The quality and detail of this bag exceeded my expectations for such a cheap price. It is a fashionable piece and considering the cheap price and the reviews seemed good, I wanted to give it a try first. I was amazed by the details and quality of this LV bag. Shipping took only a week and I live in the United States. The website was very quick to send pictures of the bag in two colors as I requested. I ended up choosing the pink and black print because I had seen how good the quality of this bag was. Thank you for the smooth transaction and I will patronize this website again when I want to order another style of bag again!
The quality and detail of this bag exceeded my expectations for such a cheap price. It is a fashionable piece and considering the cheap price and the reviews seemed good, I wanted to give it a try first. I was amazed by the details and quality of this LV bag. Shipping took only a week and I live in the United States. The website was very quick to send pictures of the bag in two colors as I requested. I ended up choosing the pink and black print because I had seen how good the quality of this bag was. Thank you for the smooth transaction and I will patronize this website again when I want to order another style of bag again!